
Why it matters

To PepsiCo:

PepsiCo relies on diverse packaging solutions to safely deliver products to our customers and consumers. Building a sustainable business is at the core of our strategy and we continue innovating to secure our long-term success. PepsiCo’s sustainable packaging vision is to build a world where packaging never becomes waste.


To the World:

After a product has been consumed, the packaging, when disposed of improperly, can result in an accumulation of waste in marine environments and on land. This is an urgent global problem that requires systemic solutions and collaboration throughout the packaging value chain to shift towards a more sustainable waste management system.

Our Approach

Packaging plays an essential role in safely delivering our products to customers and consumers. PepsiCo designs our packaging materials to balance several critical criteria, including compliance with food safety regulations, maintaining freshness and quality of the product, environmental sustainability, affordability, and consumer preferences, including convenience. Our sustainable packaging efforts support our PepsiCo Positive ambition in two ways: we are striving to build a more circular and inclusive Positive Value Chain by contributing to a more sustainable supply chain for our packaging; and we are also continuing to evolve our portfolio of food and beverage products by providing Positive Choices for our consumers with innovative packaging solutions.

We recognize and share the concern that some packaging, when disposed of improperly after a product has been consumed, may become waste in the marine environment or on land. We are working on a broad set of initiatives to ensure appropriate end-of-life solutions, improve the carbon footprint of our packaging, as well as other environmental impacts, and ensure protection of human rights especially in the informal recycling sector.

PepsiCo Positive sustainable and innovative packaging solution agendas:

By 2025:

  • Our goal is for 100% of our packaging to be recyclable, compostable, biodegradable, or reusable
  • Invest to increase recycling rates in key markets

By 2030:

  • Cut virgin plastic from non-renewable sources per serving across our food and beverage portfolio by 50% through:
    • Scaling new business models that avoid or minimize single-use packaging materials (e.g., models that reuse, refill, prepare at home, utilize concentrates like powders, drops, etc.)
    • Reducing our absolute tonnage of virgin plastic from non-renewable sources by 20%, including by:
      • Using market-leading bio-based and renewable materials
      • Using 50% recycled content in our plastic packaging
  • Develop and deploy disruptive sustainable packaging materials and new models for convenient foods and beverages (e.g. powders, bio-based materials, reusable or low/no package models)

We aim to achieve these goals by fostering cross-industry and public-private partnerships; advocating for improved recycling, composting, broader waste management infrastructure and regulatory reform; supporting the advancement of new materials, enhanced recycling technologies, and alternative delivery models; collaborating with suppliers and partners; and helping to increase consumer education and acceptance, all of which, we consider necessary. For example, we signed an MoU with the National Center for Waste Management in July 2020, as part of an ambitious target to push the circular economy agenda in the Kingdom. As part of the agreement, we placed 15 smart bins across the Makkah walkway, Saudi Arabia’s holiest city, to divert plastic away from landfills.

Packaging Policy Advocacy

Government support to recycling and composting industries presents a vital opportunity for clean technology investment and growth. PepsiCo and other industry peers play an important role by investing in research and development, purchasing recycled content, supporting consumer education, and making financial contributions towards improving recycling collection. We encourage policy makers to further support the recycling industry in other ways, including the following:

Supporting public funding and incentives that encourage collection and reuse of post-consumer material Expanding and modernizing processing capacity Using more recycled material in infrastructure projects Promoting greater private-sector investment Helping to inform consumers on effective recycling practices


We have partnered with Naqaa Sustainability Solutions to set up recycling bins across 13 key locations in Abha, Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam, namely sports complexes, compounds and malls. We are also collaborating with the Al Diriyah Gate Authority to support their recycling efforts and campaigning in two schools and one public location. Our work in these communities involves placement of recycling bins, communicating on the importance of recycling, educating consumers through workshops on the recycling to prevent contamination of waste bins, following up on quality of recyclables placed by the community members, and collecting recyclables to be diverted away from landfills.

Increasing collection and recycling rates supports a circular economy by ensuring the material we put into the market is recovered, its value is preserved, and it does not end up as litter or in landfills. We seek to improve collection and recycling infrastructure through policy and programs as well as consumer education and engagement.

We are proud to share that our bottling partners have signed contracts with KSA’s largest waste collector, Wasco, to upscale the organization’s efforts for PET collection. We are committed to collecting and recycling the equivalent of 100% of PepsiCo’s plastic footprint in KSA by 2025.Through our select partners, we have addressed various channels of collection from sports centers, compounds, events, neighborhoods, landfills, and universities:

  • Aquafina and its partners have and will continue to drive consumer awareness campaigns in the Kingdom to educate the public on keeping the country clean, the importance of recycling, how to recycle, and offering incentives to recycle through digital content and on ground activations in compounds, sports centers, and events in Saudi Arabia, with opportunities for consumers to engage directly and get rewarded. Aquafina has a history of promoting recycling within the Kingdom. In 2019, the brand introduced initiatives at the Dakar Rally and Formula-E that encouraged spectators to recycle their waste on-site, enabling the events to reduce their carbon footprints.  

In 2021, our bottling partners have partnered with WASCO, a local waste collection company, to accelerate plastics collection across their respective operations, incentivizing collection growth from neighborhoods, universities and landfills.

Reinvent: improve the packaging and plastic that we use Our reinvention efforts focus on improving the environmental impact of our packaging by developing plastics from non-food, plant-based sources and exploring biodegradable or compostable options. We’re also transforming our offerings to deliver high quality beverages and snacks without the need for single-use packaging.


In 2022, PepsiCo is looking to further several key initiatives as we work towards a Positive Value Chain and help consumers make Positive Choices:


  • We will continue to accelerate investments in recycling infrastructure and explore partnerships to empower waste collectors in Saudi Arabia.
  • We are continuing to develop the supply chain to bring compostable, renewable, bio- and paper-based materials, and reusable packaging solutions to scale.
  • We will expand our portfolio options to provide consumers more sustainable packaging solutions.
  • We will continue to build coalitions and collaborate in support of smart policies that enable the circular use of materials, and to build partnerships to empower our consumers to make sustainable choices through education.

Creating awareness and education on sustainability and recycling for kids through engaging workshops with our partner The Orenda Tribe. 

Makkah reverse vending machine

Following a strategic partnership between Aquafina and the Saudi Waste Management Center, a plastic waste recycling initiative has been initiated in Makkah to advance plastic recycling, doubling down on our commitment to reduce plastic waste in the Kingdom. The project includes the installation of solar-powered smart reverse vending machines (RVMs) which segregate and crush plastic bottles, minimizing plastic waste and reducing carbon footprint.

The Orenda Tribe

PepsiCo partnered with and Jordan Ice and Aerated Water Company (JICE) and the Orenda Tribe, a social enterprise that uses art and storytelling to champion youth and empower communities, to nurture Positive behaviors from a young age. Together, we have developed a series of tools to educate children about sorting and recycling waste. The impact box is educational and engaging, made up of a booklet and a digital app featuring three games, all of which teach children how to recycle, upcycle, and make more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices.